When dividing integers, how do you get a double in java?

Understanding Integer Division in Java

In Java, when you divide two integers using the division operator (/), the result is also an integer. This is referred to as integer division. Java does this by discarding any decimal part of the result. In other words, it rounds down to the nearest whole number.


int a = 7;
int b = 3;
int result = a / b;

System.out.println(result); // Output: 2

As you can see from the example above, 7 / 3 does not give the result 2.333. as you may assume using the conventional meaning of division. Instead Java truncates the decimal part and gives the answer 2.

The reason for this is that both operands above, that is a and b are of type int, therefore Java performs an integer division which loses the fractional part.

Essential points:

  • In Java, integer division always results in an integer.
  • The fraction part is truncated, not rounded.
  • This can lead to loss of precision in calculations that actually require a decimal.

For situations requiring a finer result, such as you are performing decimal arithmetic, you will have to cast one or both operands to a floating-point type such as double in order to accommodate decimal representations.

Why Integer Division Doesn’t Automatically Produce a Double

Java does integer division in the context of integer arithmetic, meaning that it will return an integer result, even if the mathematical result of the division would normally be a fraction. That is because Java, like many other programming languages, draws a line between operations that involve integers versus those that involve floating-point arithmetic, namely double or float, and each type has its rules of performing arithmetic operations.

Truncation of the Result in Integer Division

When two integers are divided in Java, the fractional part of the result is truncated-that is to say, it is simply discarded. The result is rounded toward zero (that is, down for positive results and up for negative results), as this is required to get the result to fit into an integer type.

For example :

int a = 7;
int b = 3;
int result = a / b;  // result is 2

Here, the mathematical outcome of 7 / 3 is 2.333., but because a and b are integers, Java discards the decimal part, and the outcome becomes 2. In that respect, this behavior mirrors that integer types cannot represent fractional numbers.

Integer Arithmetic versus Floating-Point Arithmetic

Arithmetic in Java falls into two major categories:

  1. Integer Arithmetic – using types such as int, long. The operations on integers produce integer results, truncating any decimal value that arises.
  2. Floating-Point Arithmetic using types like double, float: Operations involving the floating-point numbers maintain a fractional part, exhibiting results in decimal values where appropriate.

Principal variations:

  • Integer Arithmetic: Involves types like int, short, long, and results in whole numbers. Decimal points are ignored. For example:
int a = 7;
int b = 3;
int result = a / b;  // result is 2

In this case, the fraction .333… is discarded, and you are left with the integer 2.

  • Floating-Point Arithmetic: Involves types like double and float. These types can represent numbers with decimal points, so division will yield more precise results, including the fractional part:
double x = 7;
double y = 3;
double result = x / y;  // result is 2.3333...

Why Java Does Not Automatically Promote to Double?

Java is a strongly typed language; it insists that types must match explicitly. If you perform operations involving two integers, Java will give you back an integer, unless you explicitly instruct it otherwise by casting one of the operands to a double or using a floating-point literal. For Example:

double result = (double) 7 / 3;  // Result is 2.333...

Without this cast, the division would have continued as integer arithmetic, and the result would be truncated prior to assignment into the double variable, yielding 2.0, rather than 2.333.

This distinction between integer and floating point operations ensures that programmers retain control over when precision is preserved and when lost, and it prevents accidental type promotions that could become performance penalties or bugs that are otherwise hard to detect.

Java supports integer division as part of only integer arithmetic, so the programmer can maintain precision and performance. If a floating-point result is needed, the programmer must explicitly opt in with floating-point arithmetic.

Type Casting to Get a Double

When, in Java, a division between two integers is done, the result will be an integer. If you want to have a decimal result (that is a double), you can, before carrying out the division, do a type cast to a double on one or both of the integers. Type casting is a process whereby the data type of a variable is changed during the operation explicitly so that you can make use of floating-point arithmetic.

How Type Casting Works

Type casting is done by placing the desired data type in parentheses in front of the variable. If you cast one of the integers to a double, then Java will treat that operand as a floating-point number and the division will be carried out according to the rules for floating point arithmetic and thus preserve the fractional part of the answer.

Division with Type Casting Example

Here is an example of two integers being divided:

int a = 5;
int b = 2;
double result = (double) a / b;  // Outputs 2.5

How it works:

  1. The integer variable a is cast to a double by the expression (double) a.
  2. This has the effect of changing the type of a to double for purposes of the division.
  3. Because at least one of the operands is now of type double, Java will promote the entire expression to use floating-point arithmetic.
  4. The fraction in this division is preserved, and gives a result of 2.5.

Why Type Casting Only One Operand Works?

Note that when dividing an int by a double, Java automatically promotes the other operand (in this case, b) to a double. This is why casting on only one operand is sufficient. Here is another example that shows this:

int a = 9;
int b = 4;
double result = a / (double) b;  // Outputs 2.25

In this case, casting b to a double ensures the result is a double (2.25), even though a is still an integer.

Without Type Casting (Incorrect Example)

Without casting, integer division truncates the result:

int a = 5;
int b = 2;
double result = a / b;  // Outputs 2.0 (integer division result truncated)

Here, a / b is executed as 2 (an integer), then assigned to result and becomes 2.0 in a double variable. The fractional part has been lost, because the division was between two integers.

Using Floating-Point Literals

Another way to ensure that a division in Java yields a double rather than an integer is through the use of floating-point literals. A floatingpoint literal is a number that explicitly includes a decimal point, even if its fractional part is zero such as 2.0. In using a floating-point literal, you are instructing Java to treat that number as a double in the calculation.

How Floating-Point Literals Work!

Now, in Java, if one of the operands of the division be a double or float, then Java automatically promotes the whole expression to floating-point arithmetic. That means the division will retain any fractional values and not truncate the result to an integer.

You may also force a floating-point result by replacing either or both of the integer operands by a floating-point literal, such as 2.0 instead of 2.

Example of Division Using a Floating-Point Literal

Here’s an example that uses a floating-point literal to get a correct double result:

int a = 5;
int b = 2;
double result = a / 2.0;  // Outputs 2.5


  1. Floating-Point Literal (2.0): Since the number 2.0 is expressed in floating-point notation, the number is a double.
  2. Promotion to Double: Since one of the operands is a double, Java automatically promotes the other operand to a double. Thus, the operands are 5.0 divided by 2.0. The results of the division is 2.5.
  3. Result of Expression: The fractional part of the result is retained and 2.5 is stored as double.

Another Example:

You can make use of floating-point literals with either or both operands to arrive at the expected result:

int a = 9;
int b = 4;
double result = a / 4.0;  // Outputs 2.25

Comparison to Integer Division (Without Floating-Point Literal)

If you were to perform the same division without using floating-point literals, the result would be an integer:

int a = 9;
int b = 4;
double result = a / b;  // Outputs 2.0 (integer division result)

Here, a / b would perform integer division, resulting in 2, and then it would be stored as 2.0 in the double variable. The fractional part is lost because both a and b are integers.

Difference Between Type Casting and Floating-Point Literals

Both type casting and floating-point literals may be used in Java to ensure the division between integers produces a double result. However, both have different syntaxes, usability, performance, and readability. A comparison of when to use each and what is implied from both is as follows.

1. Type Casting

How it works:

Type casting explicitly converts an integer to a double before performing a division. By casting one or both operands to double you force the division to use floatingpoint arithmetic.


int a = 5;
int b = 2;
double result = (double) a / b;  // Outputs 2.5

When to use:

  • When you cannot directly change the literal or value while operating with variables. For instance, such a value is obtained from some user input or as a result of some calculations.
  • When you explicitly want to control which operand should be converted to the floating-point type.


  • Explicit control: Type casting does explicitly defines how one operand should be converted to double.
  • Flexible: You don’t need to change the literals for your variables or expressions; you can caste them directly.


  • Slightly less readable: To a programmer who has not used type casting previously, the syntax may seem a little bit confusing or unfamiliar compared to specifying a floating point literal.
  • Verbosity: It entails using a few more characters of code, especially when you’re doing this often enough in your calculations.

2. Floating Point Literals

How it works:

The syntax of a floating-point literal is to use a double value directly such as forcing the division to follow floating-point arithmetic rules by using 2.0 instead of 2. This approach does not require casting but trusts the floating-point format when writing the literal.


int a = 5;
double result = a / 2.0;  // Outputs 2.5

When to use:

  • Where at least one of the operands can be written directly as a floating-point literal in the code – such as a number that is a constant or literal value.
  • For quick calculations where making a number into its floating-point form is a convenience, for example from 2 to 2.0.


  • Simpler and more readable: Using a floating-point literal helps to make the code more easily readable because at a glance, the variable type can be easily detected even by a beginner. Instantly, it is much easier to read 2.0 in code than to read in code (double) a.
  • Less wordy: Casting does not require additional typing; just .0 does the job.


  • Less flexible: Floating point literals can only be used while operating with fixed values – constants or literals. You can’t use them to directly update variables.
  • Less explicit: the floating point behavior is implicit, instead of being explicit can be confusing for the lesser experienced developer.

3. Performance Considerations

  • Type Casting: Actually, casting an int onto a double does involve some minor performance overhead, since Java actually has to perform that conversion at runtime. However, in reality, most real-world applications will not incur any noticeable performance cost.
  • Floating-Point Literals: Of course, using floating-point literals does avoid the runtime conversion; already the value is a double. That is slightly more efficient, but again the performance difference is minor and rarely noticeable.

In real life, both variants differ almost nowhere in terms of performance for almost all practical purposes. Java’s JIT compiler optimizes both operations well, so one may decide mostly based on readability and ease of use.

4. Readability Considerations

( I) Type Casting:

  • Type casting is more explicit, showing a clear intent to perform the conversion.
  • However, it can make the code look cluttered, especially in complex expressions or calculations.
  • For Example:
double result = (double) a / (double) b;

This is explicit but verbose, particularly if used in multiple places.

(II)Floating-Point Literals:

  • Floating-point literals are more concise and straightforward to read.
  • For example:
double result = a / 2.0;

This version is more intuitive and requires less cognitive load to understand for someone reading the code.

  • However, it may not be as clear to some developers that the literal is meant to trigger floating-point arithmetic, especially if they are unfamiliar with the mechanics.

5. When to Use Which?

Use Type Casting:

  • When dealing with variables or expressions that are not straightforward to convert using floating-point literals.
  • In instances where you want direct control over which operand should be handled as a double.
  • If it is important for you to highlight that you intend to switch from integer to floating point arithmetic.

Use Floating-Point Literals:

  • In situations when you are working with constants or literals and wish to make your code easier.
  • When one wants to enhance readability by making the code in one line and more intuitive.
  • During some quick, trivial calculations where doing .0 on literals makes the logic easier to read.

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