A Brief Introduction To Programming

Programming is the process of creating instructions that a computer can follow to perform a specific task or solve a particular problem. Programming languages are used to write these instructions, and they enable humans to communicate with computers in a way that they can understand. Programming is essential in today’s world as it enables us to automate repetitive tasks, create complex systems, and build software applications. It is used in various fields, such as science, engineering, finance, healthcare, and entertainment.

To become a programmer, one needs to learn one or more programming languages. There are many programming languages available, each with its syntax, rules, and capabilities. Some popular programming languages are Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, and Ruby. Programming requires problem-solving skills, logical thinking, attention to detail, and creativity. A programmer needs to be able to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable tasks, write code to solve those tasks and test the code to ensure it works correctly.

The articles in this Java Basic series are listed below.

For Whom This Course Is Intended?

This course is designed for those with little to no programming knowledge or experience. In this course, we will go over the fundamentals. This course is designed for complete beginners at stage 0. If you’ve done any Java programming and are familiar with the language’s syntax, we highly recommend that you come along. We will go over and explain the fundamental concepts of Java in great detail. Finally, this course is for you if you want to switch to Java from X language. You will have a complete understanding of the learning path.

Many programming courses assume that you already have some basic programming knowledge. They immediately begin writing code on the board or on the computers. Jumping into programming without first mastering the fundamentals can be counterproductive.

In this course, we will attempt to lay the groundwork for you to pursue programming further. If you already know the majority of the fundamentals, this course will serve as a refresher.

Let us now enter the world of programming without further ado. 

But before we go any further, we’d like to offer you some advice-

        “Don’t try to learn everything quickly. Take your time. Practice more and more.”

We want to notify you beforehand that you will need to download some software to write programs.

What is Programming?

This is probably the most pressing question on your mind right now. The formal definition of programming is as follows:

    The process of preparing an instructional program for a device.

Isn’t this definition a little perplexing? So here’s another definition for you:

    Attempting to get a computer to complete a specific task without making mistakes.

This definition should help you understand what programming is. If you’re still confused, consider the following scenario:

You give your "less-than-intelligent" friend "Joey" the task of creating a logo set. You must instruct him how to do so.  Your friend is really clumsy. He misplaced the instructions. He can now only build a Lego set based on your commands. You must give EXACT instructions to your inept friend. There are many mistakes he could make if you don't give him very specific instructions on how to build the set. If there is even one piece that you have not specifically told him where and how to place it, the entire set will be ruined.

Substitute a computer for your friend. Computers are extremely stupid. We designed them to look like gleaming, sophisticated pieces of technology when in reality, a computer’s primary functionality stems from how we manipulate it to meet our needs. We literally tricked a rock into believing it can think. It is unable to think for itself. It can’t do anything unless we tell it what to do. And the instructions we give them as a whole are referred to as a program. Programming refers to the mechanism of giving it instructions and bending it to our will.

Why Should You Learn Programming?

What defines the twenty-first century? The answer is the rapid advancement of technology. And computers are at the heart of this progress. Everything we see on the Internet – every word, picture, chart, layout, and so on – has been programmed to appear that way to us. As you progress through this course, you will become more aware of how wonderful and important programming is. We have listed some reasons why you should learn programming to motivate you at this point.

It Guarantees You A Job

In this era of technology, this is the most sought-after skill that you can master. And with each passing day, with technological growth, the demand for programmers is increasing.

No Need For A Four-Year Degree

While one of the paths to becoming a programmer is to earn a computer science degree, you can still become one without a degree. Most recruiters are more interested in your coding abilities than a degree in computer science or IT. The degree is sometimes useful to land a programming job, but it isn’t a must. To look good in the eyes of hiring managers you could get a software development or cybersecurity diploma as well as certificate programs.

You Get To Work From Home

As the job only needs a computer with an internet connection, many companies now offer the opportunity to work remotely. This advantage makes programming a highly sought-after job for people who want to balance their work and family life. Moreover, if you are a freelancer your job will always be done remotely.

You Learn To Combine Technical Skills And Creativity

Programming will give you the opportunity to use both of your technical and creative skills. The nature of the job makes it possible.

High-Income Potential

If money is motivation then you will be pleased to know that most jobs you can get with programming skills tend to have higher-than-average salaries.  While the salary of a programmer depends on the state and the type of job, the median salary of a computer programmer is $84,280, while a software developer’s median salary is $103,620.

It Teaches You Persistence

Programming has a unique trait – it teaches you to see the problems in the light of solutions. As soon as you face a problem you start to brainstorm ideas on how to solve it. Fruitful results that come out of brainstorming and fixing problems will give you a positive outlook, and toughen you up to act on the problem however hard it may be. You will become a solution-driven person when you become determined to find the solution to a problem.

Open Your Own Business

Opening a business can be a frightening idea. But knowing how to code allows you to look into opening a business of your own. Be it an online shop, founding your own website designing company, developing mobile applications, or offering online coding courses – the possibilities are just endless.

What Are Programming Languages?

 As usual, let us start with the formal definition:

 A programming language is any set of rules that converts strings, or graphical program elements in the case of visual programming languages, to various kinds of machine code output. Programming languages are one kind of computer language, and are used in computer programming to implement algorithms.

Does this definition make sense to you? If it does not let us go back to our “less than intelligent” friend analogy.

He can not do a task such as building a Lego set on his own. You have to give him EXACT commands or instructions to build a Lego set. You have to communicate with him. There is another catch. Your friend does not understand English. He only understands Sanskrit. In order to speak with him first you have to prepare the instructions in English, the language you understand. Then you have to convert English to Sanskrit, the language your friend understands.

Replace your less-than-intelligent friend with a computer. You can tell a computer to do something, such as run a program like a game or web application. You must communicate with your computer in order to give it instructions. However, computers do not understand English. They only understand Machine Language, a language in which each instruction is written in a numerical format that the computer can understand and directly execute. This is referred to as binary. It is made up of zeros and ones. This language is intended for computers to read and execute instructions quickly. Every command you issue to your computer is converted into a series of zeros and ones.

The computer then interprets this string of zeros and ones to perform a task. However, understanding machine code in binary is extremely difficult for most people. Giving instructions to your computer directly using machine code is extremely difficult and error-prone.  In fact, it is nearly impossible and would take a very long time if you could. Each program is made up of millions and millions of zeros and ones. This is more work than it’s worth.

This is where programming languages enter the picture. They are used to convert our natural language instructions into machine code. In essence, programming languages serve as a bridge between a program and machine code. These languages are much easier for humans to learn than machine code because they use natural language elements rather than some strange combination of zeros and ones. This makes them extremely useful for programmers. Consider programming languages to be somewhere in between English and machine code.

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