Can’t execute jar- file: “no main manifest attribute”

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Have you ever encountered a Java “No Main Manifest Attribute” error? You’re not by yourself. When it comes to resolving this mistake, many developers are baffled, but we can assist. Consider the “No Main Manifest Attribute” problem as a bottleneck that impedes the smooth operation of your Java program. Java frequently encounters this problem when it cannot locate the ‘Main-Class’ element in the manifest of the JAR file.

This tutorial will assist you in fixing the Java “No Main Manifest Attribute” problem, from identifying the underlying cause to putting the fix in place. Everything from the fundamentals of the manifest file to more complex methods and different approaches will be covered.

Understanding the Error

When trying to start a JAR file without the required manifest attribute identifying the main class to execute, the “no main manifest attribute” error usually appears. A Java application’s main class is its entry point, and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) has to know about it to recognize it. This information is contained in the manifest file of the JAR file.

To decide which class to execute when attempting to run a JAR file without a main manifest attribute, the JVM displays the error message “no main manifest attribute.”

Understanding the Manifest File

A Java JAR file’s manifest file is a unique file that contains important data about the packed Java classes. One important piece of data that it contains is the property called “Main-Class.” This property links to the Java application’s starting point, the class containing the main method.

Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher

In this example, the ‘Main-Class’ attribute is set to ‘org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher’, indicating that the JarLauncher class in the ‘org.springframework.boot.loader’ package is the entry point of the application.

Solution 1: Creating or Fixing the Manifest File

Make sure your JAR file has a proper manifest file with the right main class provided to fix this problem. To create or modify the manifest file, take the following actions:

Step 1: Create a Manifest File

You can build a new manifest file if your JAR file is missing one or if the one that is there is inaccurate. A straightforward text file with certain syntax requirements is the manifest file.

An instance of a simple manifest file content is provided here:

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Main-Class: com.example.MainClassName

Replace com.example.MainClassName with the fully qualified name of your main class. Make sure to include a newline (\n) character at the end of the file.

Step 2: Add the Manifest File to the JAR

Using the jar command-line tool, add the manifest file to your JAR file once you’ve produced or corrected it. Open the directory where your JAR file is located, then type the following command there:

jar cmf manifest.txt yourJarFile.jar -C path/to/classes 

Change the name of your JAR file to yourJarFile.jar, the name of your manifest file to manifest.txt, and the path to the directory holding your compiled.class files to path/to/classes. Before adding files to the JAR, the directory to be changed is specified by the -C option.

Step 3: Verify the Manifest

Use the jar tool to confirm the contents of the manifest file once it has been added to the JAR:

jar tf yourJarFile.jar

The JAR file’s contents are listed using this command. Make that the right main class entry is included in the manifest file (META-INF/MANIFEST.MF).

Solution 2: Specify the Main Class Directly

When running the JAR file, you have the option to specify the main class directly if you would like not to generate a separate manifest file. This method works well for straightforward applications or in situations where you don’t want to edit the JAR file directly.

When running the JAR file, use the following command to specify the primary class:

java -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 yourJarFile.jar com.example.MainClassName

Change out com.example.Replace “MainClassName” with your main class’s fully qualified name. This command provides the main class to execute directly, overriding the one in the manifest file.

Using Build Tools for Manifest Generation

Although producing and maintaining the manifest file by hand is a legitimate method, it may get tiresome, particularly for bigger projects. This is the role of build tools such as Gradle or Maven. You may save time and lower the chance of mistakes by using these tools, which can automatically produce the manifest file and define the primary class.

Maven: Manifest Generation

This issue in the Maven Project could arise from Main-Class’s missing entry in the MANIFEST.MF file. We may manually add a maven-jar-plugin to our pom.xml file to specify it and get over this problem.




            <!-- Build an executable JAR -->  














The code com. enable-geek is shown above. Our fully qualified name for the Main Class is AppMain. The fully qualified name has to be changed by your classpath. Right-click on the package containing the main class and choose Copy completely Qualified Name to copy the completely qualified name.

Gradle: Manifest Generation

You may also define the primary class in the project’s “build.gradle” file using Gradle.

apply plugin: 'java'

jar {

    manifest {

        attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.enablegeek.Main'



In this case, the “build.gradle” file’s “Main-Class” property is set to “com.ebalegeek.Main.” Gradle automatically creates the manifest file with the designated main class when you build the project.

To sum up, fixing the “no main manifest attribute” issue in Java is essential for running JAR files properly. You may resolve this issue and guarantee that your Java applications run without a hitch by realizing the significance of the manifest file and learning how to build, modify, or define it explicitly.

Ensure your manifest file contains the Main-Class attribute with the correct name and is correctly added to the JAR file. This information is crucial for the Java Virtual Machine to identify and execute your application’s entry point.

You can deal with the “no main manifest attribute” problem and make sure that your Java JAR files run successfully by following the instructions in this article and using the solutions that are offered. You can produce dependable Java apps and optimize your development process by having a comprehensive grasp of the underlying problems and the right course of action.

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