Implementing readline() for User Input in Node.js

Getting Started with Node.js Readline

Node.js is a popular runtime environment for building server-side applications and command-line tools. When it comes to creating interactive command-line interfaces (CLIs) or reading user input from the terminal, Node.js provides a powerful built-in module called readline. In this tutorial, we will take you through the basics of using readline to handle user input in your Node.js applications.

Readline is a built-in module in Node.js that provides an easy way to read input from a readable stream, typically the standard input (stdin). It is particularly useful for creating interactive command-line applications, utilities, and text-based games.

Setting Up a Node.js Project

To get started, create a new directory for your project and initialize a Node.js project using npm (Node Package Manager) or yarn. Open your terminal and run the following commands:

mkdir readline-demo
cd readline-demo
npm init -y   # or yarn init -y

This will create a package.json file in your project directory.

Creating a Basic Readline Example:

Now that you have set up your project, let’s create a simple Node.js script that uses readline to read user input and display it.

Create a JavaScript file, e.g., app.js, in your project directory and open it in your favorite code editor.

// Import the 'readline' module
const readline = require('readline');

// Create an interface for reading input from 'stdin'
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout

// Prompt the user for input
rl.question('What is your name? ', (name) => {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
  // Close the interface

In this example, we:

  1. Import the readline module.
  2. Create a readline.Interface object, specifying process.stdin as the input stream and process.stdout as the output stream.
  3. Use rl.question() to prompt the user for input and provide a callback function that will be called with the user’s input.

Running Your Readline Application:

To run your Node.js application, open your terminal, navigate to your project directory (readline-demo in this case), and execute the following command:

node app.js

You will see the prompt: “What is your name?” Enter your name, press Enter, and your application will respond with a greeting.

Validating User Input with Node.js Readline

Numeric Input Validation

One common type of validation is ensuring that the user enters a numeric value. You can use JavaScript’s isNaN function to check if the input is a valid number:

rl.question('Enter your age: ', (age) => {
  if (isNaN(age)) {
    console.log('Invalid input. Please enter a valid number for your age.');
  } else {
    console.log(`You entered: ${age}`);

This code checks if age is not a number and provides feedback to the user accordingly.

Range Validation:

To validate that the input falls within a specific range, you can combine numeric validation with range checks:

rl.question('Enter your age: ', (age) => {
  age = parseInt(age); // Convert input to an integer
  if (isNaN(age) || age < 0 || age > 120) {
    console.log('Invalid input. Please enter a valid age between 0 and 120.');
  } else {
    console.log(`You entered: ${age}`);

This code ensures that age is a valid number between 0 and 120.

Regex Validation:

For more complex input validation, you can use regular expressions (regex). Here’s an example of validating an email address:

rl.question('Enter your email address: ', (email) => {
  const emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;
  if (!emailRegex.test(email)) {
    console.log('Invalid email address. Please enter a valid email.');
  } else {
    console.log(`You entered: ${email}`);

This code uses a regex pattern to validate that the input matches the structure of an email address.

Handling Multiple Input Streams with Readline in Node.js

In many real-world scenarios, applications need to interact with multiple input streams simultaneously. These input streams can originate from various sources, such as user input in a command-line interface, data from files, network requests, or even sensors in an IoT (Internet of Things) environment. Handling these streams effectively is crucial for maintaining application responsiveness and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Let’s dive into a practical example to illustrate how Readline can manage multiple input streams. Suppose you have several log files, and you want to extract specific information from each file concurrently.

const readline = require('readline');
const fs = require('fs');

// Define an array of file paths
const filePaths = ['file1.log', 'file2.log', 'file3.log'];

// Process each file concurrently
filePaths.forEach(filePath => {
  const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
  const rl = readline.createInterface({
    input: fileStream,
    crlfDelay: Infinity,

  rl.on('line', line => {
    // Process each line of the file
    console.log(`Line from ${filePath}: ${line}`);

  rl.on('close', () => {
    // Handle the end of each file
    console.log(`Finished reading ${filePath}`);

In this example, we create a Readline interface for each file in the filePaths array. As each line is read, the 'line' event is triggered, allowing us to process the content concurrently. When the end of a file is reached, the 'close' event is fired, providing an opportunity to perform any necessary cleanup or post-processing tasks.

Handling multiple input streams is a common requirement in Node.js applications, and the Readline module provides a powerful and efficient way to manage this task. Whether you’re dealing with user input, data from files, or other sources, Readline’s event-driven approach simplifies the process and ensures your application remains responsive and performant even when managing multiple streams simultaneously.

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