In Java, how can I retrieve the value of a private field that is part of another class?

Understanding Encapsulation

Encapsulation, in object-oriented programming, is a technique of binding the internal details of an object such that they may not be directly accessed by the external world. That is, the internal state of the object is kept private and direct access to it is restricted by providing public methods for interacting with the object. This requires the need for a class’s fields-that is, its data members-to be declared private in Java to implement encapsulation, making them unreachable by other classes.

Why Fields Are Made Private

  1. Data Protection: A developer should make variables private for protection against unintended changes in the internal state of a class. This means that only methods from an object’s own class can change its state to prevent other external code from setting an object’s internal structure to an inconsistent or invalid state.
  2. Encapsulation: Controlled access can be provided to the fields, typically by using public getter and setter methods. It enables one to add validation or extra logic when the fields are accessed or modified to keep the object in a valid state.
  3. Implementability: By making fields private, the internal implementation can be modified without the need of affecting other parts of the code. The interface via public methods remains the same, and therefore, external classes have no need to know anything about the internal representation of fields or even how they are changed.
  4. Improved Maintenance: Encapsulation keeps the code clean and readable. Since you have kept the fields private, this reduces interactions with the internal data of an object, and thus it will be easier to manage the code while the project is being developed.
  5. Security: Limited access of fields can avoid security vulnerabilities. If encapsulation is not followed, it might be possible in some cases for an attacker/malware to alter the internal state of the object in ways that are harmful.

Encapsulation in Practice

In Java, encapsulation is implemented by:

  • Declaring fields as private.
  • Providing public getter and setter methods to access or modify these fields if necessary.


public class Person {
    // Private fields
    private String name;
    private int age;

    // Constructor
    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    // Public getter for 'name'
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    // Public setter for 'name'
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    // Public getter for 'age'
    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    // Public setter for 'age'
    public void setAge(int age) {
        if (age > 0) {
            this.age = age;

In this example, fields name and age are private; they can be accessed or modified only through the so-called public methods getName(), setName(), getAge(), and setAge(). This way, the class itself controls how its fields will be used. It can prevent setting invalid values, for instance, a negative age:.

This encapsulation keeps a clean separation between how an object maintains its data and how other objects will use it; this, in turn, produces more secure and easier-to-maintain code.

Java Reflection API

Java‘s Reflection API is a powerful feature wherein a program can inspect or change the behavior of classes, methods, fields, and constructors at runtime-even ones that are otherwise private or inaccessible through normal code. Its application is mainly found in several advanced scenarios: debugging, testing, and with frameworks that require dynamic access to class properties.

This Reflection API provides access to private fields, methods, and constructors of a class that, otherwise, would not be accessible because of the Java access control rules like private, protected, etc. However, it is recommended using it very carefully because it violates the principle of encapsulation.

Using Private Fields with Reflection

In Java, the java.lang.reflect.Field class is a field of a class or an interface. The Field class provides methods to inspect and access the field, regardless of its access modifiers.

Key Method: setAccessible(true)

It basically disables the access checks of Java and allows you to access private fields and invoke private methods. When this flag is set to true, private fields are accessible, even modifiable, just like public fields.

Example: Retrieving a Private Field

Consider the following class with a private field:

public class Employee {
    private String name;

    public Employee(String name) { = name;

Using reflection, we can access the private name field from an instance of the Employee class:

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class ReflectionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            // Creating an instance of the Employee class
            Employee employee = new Employee("John Doe");

            // Getting the Class object associated with Employee
            Class<?> employeeClass = employee.getClass();

            // Getting the Field object for the 'name' field
            Field nameField = employeeClass.getDeclaredField("name");

            // Setting the field accessible (bypassing the private access modifier)

            // Getting the value of the 'name' field from the employee object
            String nameValue = (String) nameField.get(employee);

            // Printing the private field value
            System.out.println("Private field value: " + nameValue);

        } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {


Private field value: John Doe

Explanation of Code

1.Accessing the Field:

  • employee.getClass() returns the Class object representing the Employee class.
  • getDeclaredField(“name”) returns the Field object corresponding to the private name field.

2.Bypassing Access Control:

  • setAccessible(true) allows us to bypass the normal private field access control so that we can retrieve or modify the field.

3.Retrieving Field Value:

  • nameField.get(employee) retrieves the value of the name field for the given employee object.

4.Exception Handling:

  • NoSuchFieldException is thrown if the field is not found.
  • IllegalAccessException is thrown if access to the field is denied (before using setAccessible(true)).

Security Considerations

  1. Breaking Encapsulation: The use of reflection to access private fields is a serious encapsulation break. Though powerful, reflection should be used sparingly and as little as possible in production code.
  2. Performance Cost: It includes much runtime processing because of which the performance becomes slower. As little as possible, use it in all performance-critical applications.
  3. Security Restrictions: Depending on the environment-a security manager may be set, for instance-the use of reflection may be restricted for security reasons. Unless taken good care of, reflection may introduce vulnerabilities.

Code Example:

Here’s a full example demonstrating how to use Java’s Reflection API to access and retrieve the value of a private field from another class.


We have a class Person with a private field age. Normally, the age field is not accessible from outside the class, but we will use reflection to bypass this and retrieve its value.

Class with a Private Field (

public class Person {
    // Private field
    private int age;

    // Constructor
    public Person(int age) {
        this.age = age;

Using Reflection to Access the Private Field (

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class ReflectionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            // Step 1: Create an instance of the Person class
            Person person = new Person(30);

            // Step 2: Get the Class object associated with the Person class
            Class<?> personClass = person.getClass();

            // Step 3: Get the Field object for the private 'age' field
            Field ageField = personClass.getDeclaredField("age");

            // Step 4: Make the private field accessible by calling setAccessible(true)

            // Step 5: Get the value of the private 'age' field from the person object
            int ageValue = (int) ageField.get(person);

            // Step 6: Print the value of the private field
            System.out.println("The age of the person is: " + ageValue);

        } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
            // Handle potential exceptions


The age of the person is: 30

Explanation of the Code

1. Instantiation:

  • We instantiate a Person object with an age of 30. It contains a private field, age, which under normal circumstances is not accessible from outside the class.

2. Retrieval of Class Object:

  • person.getClass() returns the Class object that represents the Person class. Since we’ve obtained the Class object, reflection allows us to look at its fields.

3. Retrieval of the Private Field:

  • getDeclaredField(“age”) retrieves the Field object corresponding to the private age field from the Person class.

4. Circumventing Access Control:

  • It allows us to set it accessible despite the normal access control, thereby allowing us to make it accessible from outside the class.

5. Retrieving Field Value:

  • ageField.get(person) actually returns the age field value of the person object. Since the field type is int, we have explicitly cast it to int.

6. Exception Handling:

We catch two exceptions:

  • NoSuchFieldException is thrown if the field doesn’t exist.
  • IllegalAccessException is thrown if access to the field is denied (before using setAccessible(true)).

Caveats of Using Reflection in Java

While the Java Reflection API does indeed provide great possibilities in terms of the inspection and manipulation of classes at runtime, there are several major drawbacks. The developers have to consider these disadvantages while using reflection judiciously, especially in any kind of production environments.

1. Violating Encapsulation

One of the central principles behind object-oriented programming is broken by reflection: encapsulation. The objective of encapsulation is to protect an object’s internal state through controlling access to fields and methods by means of visibility modifiers, like private and protected. With reflection, you will be able to break around these controls and expose or modify the private fields and methods directly.


  • Inconsistent Object States: Directly changing private fields will result in inconsistent states of objects since you skip the validation logic that you would normally carry out in setter methods.
  • Maintenance Problems: Reflection can render code less maintainable. The encapsulation barrier is breached, and assumptions about how fields are or should be accessed may prove no longer valid.

2. Security Risks

Reflection can be very dangerous, as it allows invoking and modifying parts of a class that otherwise would have been unreachable, like private fields and methods.

Security Concerns:

  • Sensitive Data Exposure: These also can be used to access private or sensitive data that was intentionally hidden, such as credentials or cryptographic keys.
  • Tampering: If reflection allows malicious code or an attacker to modify something of the internal state of objects, it can lead to vulnerabilities.
  • Security Bypassing: This can also allow reflection to provide methods for bypassing standard security mechanisms-security managers or runtime checks-that may cause applications to break.

Security Manager Restrictions:

  • Security Managers apply restrictions to Java environments and thus may restrict the use of reflection, targeting private fields or methods specifically. Such a security manager could be used to enforce policies whereby setting setAccessible(true) is not allowed and will throw a SecurityException for code violating the security policies.

3. Performance Overhead

Reflection is slower than the standard method or field access because it involves some processing in runtime, which can be expensive.

Reasons for Degradation in Performance:

  • Dynamic Nature: The reflection involves dynamic type checking and method lookups during execution, which are more expensive compared to compile-time checks.
  • No Optimizations: Most modern JVM optimizations, such as method inlining, usually do not apply to reflective method invocations, which makes such executions considerably slower.

Even though the overhead of reflection itself is usually negligible for occasional usage-for example, testing or debugging-extensive usage in performance-critical sections can degrade the overall application performance.

4. Compile time Safety

Reflection bypasses compile-time type safety that is one of the cornerstones of Java. The Java compiler usually checks field names, method names, and their types, but reflection defers this until runtime, at which point catching the errors may be considerably more difficult.


  • Runtime Errors: The reflection operations related to field access or method invocation may throw runtime time exceptions in cases when those fields or methods are not found. The exceptions would be of types: NoSuchFieldException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, etc.
  • Harder to Debug: The debugging due to incorrect reflective access becomes tough to trace out. It makes the processes of debugging and maintenance more cumbersome.

5. Version Compatibility Issues

Reflection can couple the code directly with implementation details of a class. Therefore, reflective code will be broken in case of changes in the underlying structure of this or that class-one example is renaming of fields or methods, or changing of their access level-which causes compatibility problems across different class versions.


  • Suppose you are using reflection to access a private field named age, and in some future release of the class this field gets renamed to yearsOld. The reflective code will throw a NoSuchFieldException at runtime even though it may successfully compile.

6.Potential for Misuse

Reflection is often overused or misused in situations where it is not necessary. For example, reflection is not a substitute for well-designed APIs or access control mechanisms.

Alternatives to Reflection:

  • Getter/Setter Methods: If the goal is to access private fields, consider using public getter and setter methods that encapsulate access to these fields.
  • Interfaces and Inheritance: Instead of using reflection to invoke methods dynamically, consider designing your code with interfaces, inheritance, or polymorphism.

Where Not to Use Reflection

  • Production Code: Never use reflection if you could work without it in production code. It is to be used only when there’s an absolute need for doing so, and for which no alternative could be developed – perhaps dynamic class loading by a framework or library.
  • Performance-Sensitive Sections: Also, reflection should not be used in real-time systems, huge applications needing efficiency, and in other performance-critical sections.

Real-World Use Cases of Reflection in Java

Although the use of reflection can violate encapsulation, introduce security risks, and affect performance, there are several real-world scenarios where the usage of reflection is not only necessary but very useful. Reflection is generally used in frameworks, libraries and test environments where some dynamic behavior is required, such as:

1. Frameworks – Dependency Injection and ORM

(Ⅰ) Dependency Injection – Spring Framework

In the case of popular Java frameworks like Spring, reflection is used to enable dependency injection. In such cases, Spring can look at the classes dynamically at runtime, create an instance of them, and inject dependencies without explicit wiring by the developer.

  • Example: The @Autowired annotation of Spring works on the principle of reflection whereby it scans the classes looking for fields or constructors with the annotation specified. At runtime, it injects the bean accordingly.
private UserService userService;

  • Reflection is used to access the userService field, even though it is private, and inject an instance of UserService at runtime.

(Ⅱ)Object-Relational Mapping (Hibernate)

Hibernate is a framework based on the OR mapping mechanism. It uses reflection for mapping POJOs, or Plain Old Java Objects, to tables present in the database. So, it would look into classes of entities and their respective fields to analyze their mapping to columns in the database.

  • Example: Hibernate uses reflection to inspect @Entity classes, read annotations like @Id and @Column, and private fields representing columns in the database.
public class Employee {
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "name")
    private String name;

  • Hibernate uses reflection to access the id and name fields, even though they are private, to map them to the database.

2. Serialization/Deserialization Libraries

(Ⅰ)Jackson and Gson (JSON Parsing)

Reflection is extensively used in serializing and deserializing between Java Objects and JSON in libraries such as Jackson and Gson. In these libraries, through the use of reflection, an object’s fields-even private ones-get inspected and their values populated or read, respectively.

  • Example: During the deserialization of any JSON string to a Java object, the Gson library uses reflection to find the matching fields, even private ones, and sets their values.
public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    // Getters and setters omitted for brevity

String json = "{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30}";
User user = new Gson().fromJson(json, User.class);  // Gson uses reflection here

  • Gson uses reflection to inspect the private fields name and age and assign the values from the JSON string to them.

      3. Testing Frameworks – JUnit, Mockito

      (Ⅰ)JUnit – Test Initialization

      Testing frameworks like JUnit use reflection for test creation and execution at runtime. For example, in JUnit, the discovery and invocation of test methods are based on annotation processing, such as @Test, even if they are private.

      • Such as the following: JUnit uses reflection to discover methods on the test class annotated with @Test, and invoke them at runtime even if they are declared private.
      public class MyTest {
          private void testMethod() {
              // Test code here

      • JUnit employs reflection to find and invoke testMethod, even though it is declared private.

      (Ⅱ)Mockito – Mocking Private Methods

      Mockito is one of the most used mocking frameworks; it uses reflection to support the mock private method or private fields of classes during unit tests. In such a way, developers can test the functionality in isolation without being tightly coupled by access modifiers.

      • Example: Mockito could use reflection to set private fields in classes at test time or to mock private methods to simulate behavior.
      public class Service {
          private Database database;
          public String getData() {
              return database.query();
      public void testService() throws Exception {
          Service service = new Service();
          Field field = service.getClass().getDeclaredField("database");
          field.set(service, mock(Database.class));  // Using reflection to inject mock

      • Reflection is used for accessing and setting the private database field so as to inject the mock while testing.

      4. Custom Annotation Processors

      Reflection is a way of processing custom annotations at runtime. It’s used extensively in libraries and frameworks that define their set of annotations for doing some meta-programming. Various examples include validation libraries, logging frameworks, and utilities developed on one’s own use reflection for the discovery and execution of actions upon annotated fields or methods.

      • Example: A validation framework could use custom annotations like @NotNull or @MaxLength together with reflection to enforce constraints.
      public class User {
          private String name;
          private String bio;
      public void validate(Object obj) {
          // Use reflection to inspect fields and check annotations

      • It uses reflection to inspect the name and bio fields and validate their annotated values at runtime.

      5. Dynamic Class Loading and Plugins

      In this way, reflection plays a fundamental role in dynamic loading of classes and methods at runtime by these kinds of applications, which either load plugins or support runtime modification.

      (Ⅰ) Class Loaders

      Reflection is used extensively by IDEs, application servers, and modular applications to dynamically load and invoke classes that may well not exist at compile time.

      • Example: The design of an application with plug-ins would use reflection to load the plugins from a specific folder.
      Class<?> pluginClass = Class.forName("com.example.MyPlugin");
      Object plugin = pluginClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();

      • Reflection allows the system to load classes that were not known at compile time.

      6. APIs That Need To Inspect Objects

      Some APIs, such as debuggers, profilers, and user implementation of logging systems require the ability to inspect objects dynamically.

      (Ⅰ) Debuggers

      The most common reflection usage in debuggers is for querying the internal state of an object or invoke private methods for debugging purposes.

      (Ⅱ) Logging Frameworks

      Logging frameworks can use reflection to capture internal state of objects including private fields for logging purposes at runtime.

      • Example: A logging framework may use reflection to log the value of private fields in an object at runtime.

      In Conclusion:
      Reflection is priceless in systems requiring dynamic behaviour, such as frameworks (e.g., Spring or Hibernate), testing (JUnit and Mockito), serialization (e.g., Gson or Jackson), dynamic class loading. It gives flexibility and power on the one side and needs to be taken care of carefully since there may be many problems regarding security, performance, and encapsulation.

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