Why null check before instanceof

The instanceof operator in Java programming lets programmers find out if an object implements a certain interface or is a member of a specified class. To prevent possible NullPointerExceptions, a frequent query is, “Is a null check required before invoking instanceof?” This blog article delves further into the subject, including suggestions, best practices, and things to think about while utilizing instanceof in Java code.

Understanding the instanceof Operator

Let’s first review the functionality of the Java instanceof operator before digging into the need for null checks when using instanceof. To find out if an object implements a certain interface or is an instance of a certain class, use the instanceof operator. If the object is an instance of the given type or one of its subclasses, it returns true; if not, it returns false.It is common to use the instanceof operator for the following:

  • determining whether or not an object instance is present in the supplied variable
  • Verifying if typecasting is legitimate
  • When the subclass type refers to the parent object, this is known as downcasting.

Now that you know what instanceof in Java is, try to understand it better with an example:

Object obj = "Hello";
if (obj instanceof String) {
    System.out.println("obj is a String");
} else {
    System.out.println("obj is not a String");

To determine whether the object variable in this example is an instance of the String class, instanceof is used. Should it be the case, the text “obj is a String” is displayed; if not, the text “obj is not a String” is displayed.

Null Check Before instanceof: The Debate

The possibility of running into a NullPointerException (NPE) when executing instanceof on a null reference is the reason behind the discussion of whether a null check is required before using instanceof. Take a look at the following bit of code:

String str = null;
if (str instanceof String) {  // NullPointerException may occur here
    System.out.println("str is a String");
} else {
    System.out.println("str is not a String");

In this case, calling instanceof directly on str will throw a NullPointerException if str is null. Some developers recommend doing a null check before to invoking instanceof in order to reduce this risk, as demonstrated below:

String str = null;
if (str != null && str instanceof String) {
    System.out.println("str is a String");
} else {
    System.out.println("str is not a String");

instanceof and Generics

Examining the type information at runtime is necessary for instance tests and castings. Thus, we are unable to utilize instanceof in conjunction with deleted generic types.

For example, suppose we attempt to put together the following excerpt:

public static <T> void sort(List<T> collection) {
    if (collection instanceof List<String>) {
        // sort strings differently
    // omitted

Then we get this compilation error:

error: illegal generic type for instanceof
        if (collection instanceof List<String>) {

In Java, technically, we can only use instanceof in conjunction with reified types. If type information is available at Java runtime, a type is reified.

The following are Java’s reified types:

  • primitive kinds, such as int; 
  • non-generic classes and interfaces, such as String or Random; 
  • generic types, such as Set or Map, where all types are unbounded wildcards
  • raw kinds, such as HashMap or List; arrays of other reifiable types, such as Map, List[], or String[][]

Java’s instanceof Regarding a Variable with a null value

Even if an object is null, you may still use Java’s instanceof operator to determine if it is an instance of a particular class. The instanceof operator always returns false when null is used. This is so because null cannot be an instance of any class as it does not relate to any objects.

Here is an example:

public class upGradTutorials {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Animal animal = null;
        System.out.println(animal instanceof Animal); // false
        System.out.println(animal instanceof Dog); // false
        System.out.println(animal instanceof Cat); // false
class Animal {
class Dog extends Animal {
class Cat extends Animal {

The Case Against Null Check Before instanceof

Although it would seem wise to include a null check before invoking instanceof to prevent NPEs, it’s important to take into account the following factors:

  • instanceof Handles null References Safely: The instanceof operator smoothly accepts null references, against popular perception. Instanceof always returns false when called on a null reference. Therefore, a null check before calling instanceof is redundant in terms of avoiding NullPointerExceptions.
  • Redundancy and Readability: A null check that comes before an instanceof adds needless repetition to the code and might make it harder to comprehend. The behavior of instanceof with null references is familiar to Java developers, thus adding more null tests might result in less succinct and more complicated code.
  • Defensive Programming: Defensive programming techniques in Java, including null checks, are crucial for guaranteeing the stability and dependability of the code. Defensive programming techniques should be used sparingly, nevertheless, and only in situations when they are useful and reduce real dangers. When using instanceof, there is very little chance of running into a NullPointerException with null references, hence there is no need for a second null check.

Best Practices for Using instanceof

Following up on the previous talk, the following are some guidelines for efficiently use instanceof in Java code:

  • Understand the Behavior: Become acquainted with the way the instanceof operator handles null references. Null checks are superfluous when one knows that instanceof always returns false for null references.
  • Use Preconditions: To prevent misuse, clearly state the expectations and requirements and use preconditions or assertions if a method or code block requires non-null references.
  • Consistency Matters: Keep your codebase consistent when it comes to the use of instanceof and null checks. Developer misunderstanding is decreased and code maintainability is improved when uniform coding standards and practices are followed.

In conclusion, it’s critical to comprehend the behavior of the instanceof operator with null references, even if there is ongoing discussion over whether a null check is required before to invoking instanceof. In most situations, further null checks are unnecessary since instanceof manages null references properly by always returning false. Write accessible, succinct, and understandable code that conveys your goal rather than stuffing it with pointless null tests.

Java developers may produce solid, maintainable code while reducing needless complexity and repetition by adhering to standard practices and making use of instanceof’s built-in functionality. Writing Java programs of the highest caliber involves knowing when to use language capabilities and when to implement defensive programming techniques.

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