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Tutorial Series: Computer Science

The study of computers and computing technologies, including their design, development, and application, is known as computer science. It covers a wide range of subjects, including artificial intelligence, computer architecture, programming languages, algorithms, data structures, software engineering, and more.

Understanding how computers operate and how to utilize them to carry out activities and solve issues across a range of industries is the focus of computer science. It is a very multidisciplinary area that incorporates ideas from physics, engineering, mathematics, and other fields.

A vast range of businesses, including software development, data analysis, robotics, artificial intelligence, and more, employ computer science. In order to comprehend complicated systems and events, computer models and simulations are utilized in study domains including computational biology, computational chemistry, and computational physics.

In the discipline of computer science, new methods and technologies are continually being developed. So, in order to stay current and continue to be productive in their profession, computer scientists must constantly acquire new information and adapt to changing circumstances. They could work in a range of contexts, such as non-profit organizations, government, industry, and academia.

Linux: How to Manipulate Background Process in Linux

The Linux Process Execution Linux process execution refers to the way in which programs are run on a Linux system. When a user initiates an executable program, the...

Linux: Various sorts of packages

Software Distribution Various sorts of packages, including text editors, internet browsers, and picture viewers, are required to run the system according to your...

Linux: How to Access Devices by Using Linux Command

Accessing Devices via Linux CLI Accessing devices via a Linux command-line interface (CLI) can be a useful way to manage and interact with hardware components. The...

Linux: How to Work with the Linux File System

Linux filesystem A partition or a disk drive’s organized collection of files is referred to as a “Linux file system.” A memory section known as...

Linux: What is the init process in linux?

Init Init is an abbreviation for initialization. It is the first process that runs once the system boots up, with a PID of 1. All processes are initiated by Init....

Linux: How to utilize different processes?

Process Utilization In this section, we will look at how to monitor and analyze several types of processes in a Linux system. To achieve our objectives, we shall...

Linux: The Ultimate Guide To Logging

Operating system logs, including Linux’s, provide a wide range of diagnostic data about your machine. Log files include messages about the system, such as...

Linux: Different tools For Network Sharing And How To Use Them

File sharing is an important aspect of utilizing any operating system. You might use a USB drive for local file sharing. However, you may also accomplish this by...

Linux: An Introduction To Routing With Basic Commands To Utilize It

Understanding the Router Nowadays, a router in a household is a pretty common picture. Even though we use it every day, most people remain unaware of the functionality...

Linux: How To Configure Network

When running a linux machine, it is beneficial to have a basic understanding of networking tools for configuring or inspecting various settings. This post will go...

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Advanced topics are covered in this ebook with many examples.

Python Remove Extension from Filename
Extension of File An extension of a file is the part of the file name that follows the last dot (.) and...
Linux: Command Line Interface
Command Line  The command line, also known as the command-line interface (CLI), is a text-based...
How to use Flask to serve static files
Overview of Static Files Static files are resources that, when viewed by a user, do not alter dynamically...