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Tutorial Series: Computer Science

The study of computers and computing technologies, including their design, development, and application, is known as computer science. It covers a wide range of subjects, including artificial intelligence, computer architecture, programming languages, algorithms, data structures, software engineering, and more.

Understanding how computers operate and how to utilize them to carry out activities and solve issues across a range of industries is the focus of computer science. It is a very multidisciplinary area that incorporates ideas from physics, engineering, mathematics, and other fields.

A vast range of businesses, including software development, data analysis, robotics, artificial intelligence, and more, employ computer science. In order to comprehend complicated systems and events, computer models and simulations are utilized in study domains including computational biology, computational chemistry, and computational physics.

In the discipline of computer science, new methods and technologies are continually being developed. So, in order to stay current and continue to be productive in their profession, computer scientists must constantly acquire new information and adapt to changing circumstances. They could work in a range of contexts, such as non-profit organizations, government, industry, and academia.

In The World Of Domain Name System Or DNS

You probably don’t think about it, but how does your computer determine an IP address for a server when you type a URL into a browser? This tutorial will introduce...

How Does The Domain Name System(DNS) Work?

Now that you have a good understanding of what domain names are, let’s look at how DNS works. How Does DNS Lookup Work? DNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name...

All About DNS Zones

What Is A DNS Zone? A DNS zone file is used by a name server to convert a FQDN to an IP address. Consider the following example. Since name servers are public, we...

DNS Zones And Domains

Let us now look at how domains and zones are related. At the beginning of this tutorial series, we discussed domains and how DNS is used to resolve domain names...

Intro To Network Programming

Network applications are the reason for a computer network’s existence — if we couldn’t think of any useful applications, there would be no need for...

Architecture of Network Applications

Client Server Architecture Client-server refers to a relationship between cooperating programs in an application, with clients initiating service requests and servers...

An Intro To Process

The whole purpose of network programming is that your program can talk to a program on another machine. It does not matter if you have implemented the Client-Server...

How Processes in Two different Hosts Communicate

When two processes are running in the same host, the Operating System of the host facilitates the communication. The processes can communicate with each other via...

Our First Contact With Interface

Before going into detail we want to clarify two things. First, When we say programs in the context of Network Programming we really mean processes. A process is...

Socket In A Nutshell

The concept of Socket can be daunting at first. In this tutorial, we are going to talk about Socket in great detail. You may or may not have heard the term “Socket...

Check Our Ebook for This Online Course

Advanced topics are covered in this ebook with many examples.

Copy and Paste in LiveCode: A Comprehensive Guide to Streamlining Data
Introduction to Copy and Paste in LiveCode: In the dynamic world of software development, efficient data...
Implementing readline() for User Input in Node.js
Getting Started with Node.js Readline Node.js is a popular runtime environment for building server-side...
Setup Eclipse Development Environment
Install and Configure Eclipse Setting up Eclipse for Java development can be a bit overwhelming for beginners,...